Green Frog Training
Excellence in Bespoke Training
friendly and fun.
​Book your bespoke training package today on 07500 894 565
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Passionate & experienced Tutors
At Green Frog Training, we deliver bespoke training across the Care, Education and Commercial sectors, at a time to suit you. Our courses cover a diverse range of topics,including Mental Health First Aid, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, Moving and Positioning and Safeguarding.
We understand that every client is unique and take pride in tailoring our courses to suit the needs of you & your team. Contact us for more information & Aims & Objectives about our courses.
First Aid for Mental Health
First Aid
RQF - Level 1 : 4 hour Award in Awareness of First Aid for Mental Health.
RQF - Level 2: 1Day Award In First Aid For Mental Health.
RQF - Level 3 : Day Award in Supervising First Aid For Mental Health.
Annual refresher for First Aiders - Half day
Appointed Person - 2 hours
Basic Life Support - 3 hours
EFAW - Level 3 award : 1 day
FAW -Re- qualification Level 3 award :2 day
FAW - Level 3 :3 day
Paediatric Emergency First Aid - Level 3 :1 day
Paediatric First Aid - Level 3 : 2 day
Moving & Positioning
Half Day
Full day Principles & Practice
Train the Trainer : 3 day
Trainer updates
Inanimate Loads
Nutrition & Hydration - including M.U.S.T
Tissue Viability
Food Hygiene & Hand Washing
Medication Awareness
Falls Prevention
Diabetes Care
Stroke Care Awareness